
The author was watching The Tree of Life when suddenly the nature of Terrence Malick’s relation with cinema became observable to him: “Long have I loved you and for my own delight would call you mother”. Quickly the subject was forced to rebuild his understanding of this director’s entire work. The conclusions were original enough to be shared.

The author will try to keep his exposition simple, unpretentious and accessible, although, let us hope, not simplistic.

In the beginning of every post you read that it is useless to proceed without knowing the review on The Tree of Life, The Imaginary Family of Terrence Malick. The other posts explore questions referenced in this first text (the present version dates December 2013). The Whole World is a Joke to Me, on Badlands, and All Things Burning, All Things Shining, on The Thin Red Line, are probably the next most important. Some posts were published on To the Wonder, two on Knight of Cups and one on Song to Song. Explore as you wish.
